Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Powershell NNTP group stats (using Powershell and .NET)

Using the .NET communications library from www.smilla.ru, I created a Powershell script to get stats from the microsoft.public.windows.powershell newsgroup.

Currently, I list the total number of articles/posts, the total number of threads, the average of posts/thread, and list out in descending order the posters to the group.

I've just posted the stats for the week of December 6th to 10th.

Work in progress... My script may still have a few 'unwanted features', aka bugz.

I might add a section welcoming new posters, and might limit the post to just the top 20 posters.

I'm planning on running the script weekly.

Thanks to Jacques Barathon for helping me through a few issues, especially one of my first encounters with .NET.

nntp.ps1: [EDIT (Dec 23, 2006): script removed because others were using my script exactly as is, and posting to the group. I'll add another posting soon, explaining how the script mostly works.]